Tag: Birthday

  • Ninja Creami for my Birthday Yesterday

    Ninja Creami for my Birthday Yesterday

    I’ve had my eye on this for few months. Very excited to open it yesterday morning as my main birthday present. I first made a milkshake with some Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla ice cream. It was wonderful, of course. I haven’t had a blender in years. Recent years I have only had made a milkshake…

  • It’s Christmas Season!

    Christmas Season is my favorite time of year. It’s colder and there’s the fireplace in use most days, planning goes high gear, implementation knocked out as can do all the next month. Of course, we just got done with Thanksgiving Day and my daughters birthday the next day, and I got sick over that time.…

  • Tested Once Again

    My cat died less than two weeks ago. He was just 3 years old. It was shocking and still has me off-kilter. Two days after he died, my 5 year old boy turned 6. That wasn’t fun. I tried hard, but still. It’s like you are a stuffed animal. Something takes the stuffing out of…

  • Why do things always go wrong when …

    Today is the second day of the 2nd biggest holiday of the year Week. It’s even bigger in our house because my Daughter was born the evening before Thanksgiving, so her birthday flirts with Thanksgiving most years, some more than others, and some falling on the same day as. Last year was on the day,…

  • Post Birthday 2011

    I got my last birthday present yesterday. It was something that was ordered but couldn’t be delivered to the store until then. Unfortunately my husband decided to make it a mystery gift, wouldn’t tell me what it was, had nothing but a mystery coupon about it in my card … so nothing to “open” or…