Month: July 2002

  • LIGHT!

    My birthday presents arrived yesterday courtesy of FED EX Ground. Thanks to my sister for the gift certificate on, I have three new stylus for my Palm Vx, and a Rhino Skin (case) to protect said Palm Vx. Now I have a Palm that matches my Nokia, both pretty much the same silvery color…

  • Oh, the Christmas Wreath?

    Yeah, it’s still hanging there, above the fireplace. I did move the couch today though! That’s how I do the best cleaning, or the only cleaning in some rooms. Move the furniture. It’s what I’ve done since I was about 8 years old. No, not just move it out of the way, clean, and then…

  • Sunflowers

    I harvested three sunflower heads this afternoon. One is tiny, but bursting with seeds! I didn’t want the birds to start plucking the seeds out … so off the stalks they came. They were yellow behind, so ready to dry out. One of them has been attacked already, several zigzaggy rows missing seeds. It must…

  • Christmas in July

    It’s mid-July, about time to take down the wreath above the fireplace. 😉 It’s looking rather dingy now, not as green as it did in June. Yes, it’s from December. We put a fresh wreath up and leave it until we are tired of it. Well, I am not tired of it, but I can…

  • Getting older … officially today

    Today is my birthday, and I am officialy more than halfway through my 30’s. I’m 36 now. 🙂