Gulenko: Description of Duality ILI-SEE


1. Ni: program function of INTp and dual-seeking function of ESFp

The ILI occasionally describes the future course of events for the SEE, and does so in figurative-associative form. The ILI is proficient in making forecasts and extrapolations: on basis of yesterday’s events, he foretells of tomorrow’s. This is done if the SEE makes a request for such information or if the SEE is in a bad mood. The SEE turns to the ILI with inquiries of the type: “What will come of this?” The ILI gives him either positive or negative forecasts, as he sees fit, during which he draws many associations, comes up with figurative or illustrative explanations, provides specifics and datums, supports his narration with gestures. The ILI as if draws an imaginative picture and then proceeds to “read” it to his listeners. The SEE needs to know what is happening and where, only then he feels calm and reassured. The ILI satisfies informational requests of the SEE; he is ready to immediately answer any of SEE’s questions. However, the ILI shouldn’t provide lengthy responses, as the SEE won’t listen for long and may become bored.

2. Te: creative function of INTp and activating function of ESFp

Periodically the ILI extends help to the SEE over pragmatic activities, the goal of which is attainment of prosperity and material success. For example, SEE women often want their husbands to provide financial support, while they would completely devote themselves to their family and the household. The ILI should periodically bring money or other things of material value that the ILI obtains through various channels and contacts and usually from extensive “territory”. Otherwise the SEE will start to behave unscrupulously and unceremoniously: borrow money or things and not return them, engage in small-scale hoarding, not be squeamish to use any methods. The SEE feels awkward if he is viewed as petty, thus has a tendency to be generous “on a grand scale”, to make gifts “from the master’s shoulder”, to bestow favors on others. Giving gifts and providing substantial favors is a strong point of the ILI. As a result of the combination of their efforts, an optimal state is reached.

3. Si: role function of INTp and ignoring function of ESFp

In making new contacts and acquaintances, the ILI tries to play a role of a well-mannered, cultured, intelligent person. Courtesy, chivalry, good manners should be shown in interaction with SEE. If a relationship between them has been already established, this will give it a spark of novelty, rekindle it, give it an attractive effect. The ILI must be prepared to receive guidance over his role function from his dual. The SEE loves freshness and cleanliness and demands this of the ILI, that the ILI should look after himself, keep his clothing new and fresh. The SEE also counsels the ILI on how he should behave to make an effective impression, how to conduct himself in society.

4. Fe: vulnerable function of INTp and demonstrative function of ESFp

The SEE doesn’t like it when the ILI actively pours out his emotions. He prefers that the ILI quietly sits with a serious and somewhat melancholic look in his eyes. The ILI himself needs to have emotional stability to be able to work. He enjoys relaxing and spending his time in a meditative state during which he can contemplate about the sublime, the wholeness of the inner world, and so on. The SEE is able to protect and shield the ILI from clamorous, boisterous emotions. Questions and discussions on this aspect are not appropriate; they can destroy these dual relations. The SEE should without any questions protect the ILI from any external turbulent pressurizing emotional influences by means of absorbing and dissipating them himself.

5. Se: dual-seeking function of INTp and program function of ESFp

The SEE periodically makes statements about need to proceed forward, to act immediately and decisively, to overcome any difficulties, etc. The ILI attentively listens to these “program” statements and relates to them with understanding, occasionally turning to the SEE for advice over this function: “Who is able? Who has the means?” The SEE shouldn’t be advised on this function; he will hardly tolerate this. Approaching him from the position of superiority may lead to competitive demonstrations from his side. Externally the ILI should follow the SEE in everything and submit to his will, while internally he may object and disagree. Main thing is to agree with everything that SEE says, following the principle: “Listen – but later do everything your own way.” When there is open verbal exchange of information on this channel, the ILI plays the role of the one who is being led.

6. Fi: activating function of INTp and creative function of ESFp

The ILI interacts with people at short personal distances, unconsciously seeking their good predisposition. He feels uncomfortable on this aspect when he needs to attract the attention of a larger group and deal with many people, because then he will have to be courteous, well-disposed and attentive towards everyone. The SEE periodically sets larger interpersonal distances via his own actions: by being provocative and being able to draw the attention of a large number of people, by being able to “control” the social space. If the assertiveness of the SEE, that at times turns into aggressiveness that doesn’t leave people alone, is not balanced by ILI’s patience, loyalty, and tolerance, the SEE is able to cause major social rifts and evoke polarized evaluations of his own activities. SEE’s strong point lies in his ability to rally a large group of people against something. The ILI smooths over the abruptness, disturbance, and edginess caused by SEE’s activities with his own tact, foresight, and diplomacy.

7. Ne: ignoring function of INTp and role function of ESFp

In contact with other people, the SEE plays a role of a kind, sympathetic, responsive and sensitive person. In women, this often manifests as fondness for animals. The same kindness and tenderness should be shown towards the ILI: refer to him with gentle words and nicknames, show your sympathy, caress his hand, etc. This will renew and reinforce your relationship. Smile at him and be prepared for an intimate conversation. Show understanding and compassion. The SEE needs to be ready to receive advice from his dual over this function. This advice usually comes in the form of: “Don’t waste your time on just any person”, “Don’t try to cater to him”, “Don’t spend yourself on this”, “You’re only wasting your energies, better save your forces and take a break”, “Nothing will come out of this, there are no prospects here”. The SEE needs to listen to remarks of this kind and carefully consider ILI’s advice regarding his own actions and plans.

8. Ti: demonstrative function of INTp and vulnerable function of ESFp

The logic and the objective evaluation of everything that occurs within society the ILI takes onto his shoulders. He comes along with the SEE to talks, seminars, meetings, interprets various reports and documents, signs the papers. In actions, the ILI manifests his logic that is very meticulous (up to pedantism): all his work is done scrupulously and carefully, by going into all the details. The ILI also takes care of the logical organization of the household; for each job he keeps a set of tools. The SEE poorly picks up on large scale trends and major paradigms. By demonstrating his helplessness in these matters, the SEE distracts the ILI from minor issues and re-focuses his attention on problems of strategic nature, for instance: what is of high priority and needs to be done now, and what can be postponed until later. Without such support, the SEE takes up too many activities and tasks and doesn’t bring them to completion.