Dear little kitty
Our dear new kitty has an ouie. Something, or someone, did something. His front left paw/leg is hurting him, he’s limping and not happy about us touching it. And sleeping alot more than usual. It doesn’t feel broken, he’s able to move it around, just isn’t using it, and also has been listless mostly. He’s…
No Name
I’m in a quandry. We have a new kitty, number 7 in the household, seven weeks old, cute and a male. Black, Brown, Tawny, Cream stripety kitty. I have a husband who’s trying to start a new company. What do these two things have in common? No Name. So, I’m feeling pressure from every side,…
Blame it on
I’ve skimmed a book that I just came in contact with: “Blame it on the Brain?” by Edward T. Welch. Basically, it covers several types of “illnesses” or “disorders”. One of them, of course, is ADD/ADHD. My beliefs of the Bible and my experiences personally contribute to how I read this information. Basically, I’ll agree…
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are out and about, so it’s Summer, though it’s not “officially” that season yet. It’s early June. Still Spring, yet … not really here in NE GA. Over the weekend the Hummers began coming to our feeders, visual sightings, that had been infrequent at best since migration this Spring, began to be more…