Month: January 2005

  • Stupid Me – Beating Myself Up

    Stupid Me – Beating Myself Up

    So, while wasting time until an auction was nearer to it’s end, I wrote the previous post. Finished it, published it. Said OOPS MY AUCTION and sure enough, it was over. 🙁 It was for a NEW bear that’s my OLD bear. I mean, my very first Boyd’s Bear, loved and smooshed before I “knew…

  • Pitch Black/The Chronicles of Riddick

    I haven’t written much here for awhile, until today, and going over categories I saw “movies” and said to myself, “I must write about a movie”. This isn’t a post about a movie though. It’s a post about TWO movies. Joined into one post, as they can be since writing about them after both have…

  • Roach Wars

    Carmon posted this at BackwaterReport. I have a few comments, or just one big one. Of course they are right. Geneva Convention doesn’t apply at all. No war exists. Has Congress ever declared War as our Constitution spells out [in this current administration]? No. Of course most all military activities of our government in the…

  • Update on This Weblog

    I’ll be putting political discussion on this site from now on. I have other blogs, but this one I’ve not done much with lately. I’m trying to dicotomize my blog-world properly and it’s pretty much that this one will be about politics and things out there and things about certain other things … and my…