Month: August 2005

  • Audioscrobbler will be back

    This is the message on Audioscrobbler pages: Audioscrobbler Has Evolved We’ve been working on a brand new site for a few weeks now. Here it is: The New Site! Update your links and bookmarks if need be. We’ll set up automatic-redirection next week, to ease the transition. Happy ‘scrobbling 🙂 The site will re-surface…

  • Audioscrobbler/ New Look

    I’m a bit overwhelmed with audioscrobblers new look, there is so much to explore. One new thing is “journal” … journal pages. Another is “tags”. More charts, etc. Chocked full. But still slow, as I mentioned in the update to the last post. The other very noticeable thing is that my “musical neighbors” list has…

  • The Audioscrobbler Wait

    Based on what I’ve seen on this site and what I see on Technorati there about audioscrobbler … it seems there are at least a *few* people interested, more like “crazed” to see what they have up their sleeves for audioscrobbler and lastfm. It’s not just the service, what it’ll be upgraded to, but similar…

  • Musicmatch License Help

    I’m psyched up. I solved my DRM License problem with MusicMatch tracks. I didn’t solve the overall “activation” problem with them, but I did solve my ability to play the three tracks I bought from them. Through the WMP store option they allow 5 PC to be activated. If you deactivate a computer you can…

  • Swing: Michael Bublé and Sinatra

    I am typing up a list of my vinyl collection to put on a page on this site. While doing so I, of course, looked at each of my albums. One of them is a Sinatra record, from 1961, and it didn’t have a date on it at all, so I went searching the web.…