Chief Justice Roberts?

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So Mr. Bush defies those he might not even know. Some of us out here do not particularly like Roberts, who he earlier nominated to The Bench. Confirmation Hearings haven’t even started yet. So now that the vacancy of Chief Justice is available to fill, he goes and nominates Roberts for THAT position?

What is tenure anyhow? Nada, most obviously. In any case, Scalia is a better choice for Chief. Thomas is a better choice as well. I am not saying Roberts is bad. I am saying, “What do we know of him?” He doesn’t have a track record … I don’t claim to have studied his public profile and available information. I just know that I know others and what I’ve heard as well, and the little I’ve read … he’s not a strong “conservative” whatever that means. I am one that used to be a “conservative” but I have absolutely abandoned that label the last 5 years in practice.

“Conservative” in name doesn’t meant diddly-squat. Practice of being Liberal in Love and Strong in Conserving Right and Justice is what I believe in, it’s not something that there is a particular label for. I’ll say it’s “Biblical Christianity” most certainly, and the political label is: ???? I’ll just say “eclectic”. I’m eclectic in my style and music tastes. Homeschooling in our family is best described as “eclectic”, so politically I guess I’ll call me “eclectic”. I’m not a Republican, not a Democrat, not a Green, not any third-party, afirm much of the “Constitution Party” stands on, but am not a member. I am not an “independent” either. I’m “eclectic” and that’s that.

So I’m not defying Bush’s nomination from any party stance. I’m not standing with my arms crossed and a crosser look on my face. I’m standing here saying, “Think harder, consider the People. Give the job to one whom deserves it, talk to Scalia. You should know he’s ‘your man’ for the job as Chief Justice.”

I said at the beginning of this post: “So Mr. Bush defies those he might not even know. Some of us out here do not particularly like Roberts, who he earlier nominated to The Bench.”

I mean by that, there are folks out here that don’t have a particular political affiliation and we have not any particular stance against or for Roberts. We only have a myriad of questions.

Mr. President [Bush] seems to know Roberts and maybe he knows better than we do. Well, I take that as a piece of important thought process, no Bushite is what I want to see put into the CJ office. I mean, if it’s someone with a track record, it’s not the same. What we have is someone that big questions surround. It’s too much of a “well, we can do it, so we will” sort of thing. Did they consider if it was a prudent choice?

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