Underworld: Evolution came out on DVD this past week. DH got it for me, I have the first movie, and wanted to see the sequel in the theatre, but it never worked out. I love collecting movies, so it’s kind of alright overall to never go to the theatre since I want to get the DVD for any movie I’d choose to see anyhow, and it saves money in the long run, and sometimes it’s alright to go to the theatre, but just not feasible for THAT sort of movie, it’s not for children, ’nuff said about that angle.
So I did watch the movie on Tuesday night, actually it was Wednesday by that time. I’d fallen asleep for an hour or two and awoke, and so I started the movie. I intentionally hadn’t tried to watch it earlier since I instinctively knew I’d awake and be able to enjoy it while everyone slept. DH was still here then, and didn’t have to suffer through it. Let’s put it this way, it’s the kind of movie that I’ll watch more than once, and he will only watch it once if I “make him” watch it, so I’d rather see it a time or two or three on my own firstly.
I knew I was really tired when I started to watch it, and didn’t imagine that I’d NOT fall asleep during it, but I stayed wide awake the whole time and it felt like the movie was 10 minutes long. That is language to describe how focused on it I was — it was good.
I put the first movie in the DVD player to the left of the new movie, last night, and watched the first one, then the sequel. I did fall asleep during my second viewing of Underworld: Evolution. FWIW. (It was a long night of awakedness and female misery combined.)
I really like how they did the sequel — it goes back in time to show some important things at first, and then back to “current time” literally starts right up where the first one stopped. Will there be a third movie? I haven’t paid a whit of attention to the buzz surrounding it, or the lack of buzz, whichever one it might be.
I’ll probably watch the movie again tonight, just the sequel this time, to get a full second viewing under my belt. I did notice that the parts I saw the second time were intensely interesting, deeper things to notice for sure, worth exploring. This goes right up with the other “cult classic ish” movie series, LoTR, Matrix, Star Wars, Pitch Black/Chron. Riddick, etc. There are, in my book, other single movies of high stature, of course all in either the “fantasy” or “science fiction” genres and in my mind they are all in a category together.
If you haven’t seen the first Underworld, you should see that before viewing Underworld: Evolution. If you don’t like the sci-fi/fantasy sort of films that are action/vampire/war/werewolf oriented in some way, don’t bother. Yes, there is blood, violence, some level of gore … but I don’t like “GORE” in those movies of “Gore stature” … normal “gore” in “war-ish” movies has value to the story, and isn’t particularly horrid, just what it is, bites, blood, bullets, shooting, swords, heads lopped off in some manner. That’s enough talk about it. I haven’t given anything away about it, just warning off the squeamish, or the dislikers of such movies. This is not meant to be a review, just a record about it, that I watched it, liked it, and how I am glad to have a sequel of a great movie, so that means a good 2-movies in a row viewage time again and again in the future, another to add to the cycle of two-or-more-sets.
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