Underworld: Evolution
Underworld: Evolution came out on DVD this past week. DH got it for me, I have the first movie, and wanted to see the sequel in the theatre, but it never worked out. I love collecting movies, so it’s kind of alright overall to never go to the theatre since I want to get the…
Mish Mosh of PMS and Allergies
Dh has been out for the last few days, getting home this weekend, not too soon at all. I mean, I wish he’d been here the last few days, hard days with a PMS mother needing a break! I about snapped at my worst this morning. I had put on “happy cream” this cycle due…
Hennie Talk
It’s been hot again lately, I mean even HOTTER than it should, to me, at this time of year. It’s been in the low 90’s, with tomorrow supposed to be nearer to mid-90’s … ugh. As for my hennies, just the little one, the Bantam Australorp, laid an egg yesterday. I still hope I can…
These are the eggs that were laid yesterday and today. The back row, above in the carton, are from yesterday. This is the order from the left to right: Wyandotte, Hawklady, Wyandotte, “Bantam” Australorp. The Wyandottes eggs are a light brown, nearly creamy, but more brown than that. Hawklady’s egg is green-ish, moreso blue-green-green this…
Hennies Home
My dear ones came home late yesterday afternoon. Included in them was a confusion piece, a very young Australorp that “they” couldn’t tell between my giant grown up ones. Ah, well, I am the one who loves them so and I wasn’t there to collect them. That’s how it goes with DH, he isn’t “as…