Month: February 2011

  • Spring is really coming

    Spring really seems to be here where we live. Allergies are up, of course. Just a bit worse than winter allergies now, we do expect them to ramp up more and more over the next month. At any rate, though there are pollens about, I have opened some windows here and there in the house.…

  • Magical American Robin

    Magical American Robin
  • Sibley app on Android

    Today I saw Cedar Waxwing’s in my backyard. That’s a first for our yard, plus for me. Recently I got the Sibley app for my HTC EVO. I love it. It’s my favorite bird books in my phone, with added function, bird songs! I really love the way it works too, with a map for…

  • Problems loading pages in Firefox on this blog

    UPDATE: I got rid of the USERONLINE WIDGET from my sidebar, and WHAM! Everything is cozy and good. Weird. I didn’t have it on my sidebar until I changed my theme recently. So it wasn’t JUST that, so something else I did delete or stop using today or start using today, must have helped as…

  • Contacts (People) HTC Evo

    I’ve had an HTC Evo since September 2010. One thing I struggled with understanding was why the pictures for contacts didn’t stay how I had made them. I used to have a Palm Pre. I had Google Contacts, had worked on Google on my laptop to make my contacts how I wanted. I loaded pictures…