HTC Sense 2.1 Calendar All-Day Event problem
I have an HTC Evo 4G phone, and an HTC EVO VIEW 4G tablet. [HTC] I like them both. The tablet has an updated HTC Sense. The Calendar is nicer on the tablet, from the phone, with this one caveat:( It’s very annoying) All-Day Events in the calendar show up at the top of the…
The Glory Days: Galaga
Galaga: Destination Earth is an old game I used to love so much. I have it on a PSOne disc and as a PC disc. Long before those I first played it on NES [I swear I did] not the exact same thing, something so very similar though (my husband and I had an NES…
It’s that time again, Fall Allergies are totally whopping me. It was a couple of weeks or three ago that I and my eldest noticed effects ramping up, so we started taking the one-a-day Aller-tec (from Costco) which we had used previously in the Spring (2011.) Not long after the first ingested pill it is…
Breathing Life into 12″ Touchscreen Laptop
I used to use an HP tx2500 laptop. I gave that up to my husband to use after about a year, he used it for awhile, it promptly gave him trouble (while I had no trouble with it per se, mostly the trouble I had was VISTA, in my humble opinion.) When I handed it…