I finally found out why I had do much trouble integrating Sprint with Google Voice: Blocked Calls on my Sprint account were the simple problem. I deleted the few annoying numbers on Sprints site, waited a bit, then tried to integrate on Google Voice again, Voila! [My Experience: No need to have Sprint remove the Block Service, simply self delete any phone numbers you’ve entered to Block on your Sprint Account.] For some reason Blocked Calls wasn’t in anything I’d read, that I recall, but I found it in a deeper help menu today.
I like Google Voice Integrated, but am not sure about sms and mms now. I liked getting it all anywhere I was before integrating. Plus I was used to using Hangouts for everything since getting a Nexus 5 on Feb. 2, 2014.
I was sms’ing with Sprint or Google from my PC, and my WiFi tablet, as well as my phone, all in Hangouts. Now it’s a mess, everything feels separate, but the simple one number for phone calls is genius. I just want to get all my stuff and be able to send all my stuff from anywhere. [And what’s with Google Messenger anyhow? I didn’t look at that ever because when I got my Nexus 5 that was what Google recommended, unless I had another favorite SMS app. I’ve just used Stock most of the time before, but using Hangouts that has gotten better, but now it’s not as good, I mean I don’t know what to do with it, not loving Messages Stock via Samsung exactly but … ahhhhhgggrrrrhhhh, it’s tediously overwhelming.]
Experimenting is key, as no help written up about Sprint and opting out of Google text and voice in Hangouts makes a lot of sense in how to set it up on one’s other devices. It makes sense to a point, but reading further confuses the issues.
I could un-Intergrate Sprint, go back to how I had it, but then I had only my phone ringing sometimes, and everything ringing other times, while on my phone twice if the Google Voice number was called. Integrated as I am I am losing my G-Voice number. Choosing the 2nd Integration wouldn’t be much more than how I was using it before.
Another symptom I don’t like much is custom screening. I’ve set up what I want but still, when my hubby calls I have to hit 1 to answer. I’m not sure if hubby is calling differently, that’s why, or if it’s something else. Sure Custom Screening is a great feature. It’s just not what I want to deal with for my Starred contacts who are the only people that really call me ever. Starred options are nil, they don’t work. Personal options, each person separately, I went that route then, and still no joy.
Hubby comes home tomorrow night, then I can figure more out. As it is, I can use a WiFi only device to call my phone number, all WiFi devices ring, but my phone doesn’t get the call at all. Seems weird. Everything is that way, simple and messed up at the same time.
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