Green Lynx Spider
In my rose garden this week Green Lynx Spiders have decided to take up residence.
Melancholy; Past & Future
I live in the Past & the Future. When something happens and puts a different perspective on the particular thing, mostly if it’s part of my like/love system, it’ll move from Future to Past for me and take on a whole new meaning. Linkin Park is such a thing. I really like them. I’d have…
Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 YP-G70 Fixes
I put my Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 (YP-G70) back to Stock this past week. It wasn’t easy, there is no “tool” like some devices have to work on them. Basically I was jumping between Windows and Linux Mint with this thing, files from searching on XDA forums, as is my usual source for all things…
Sandisk Sansa e200v1 Models
I first had an e260, then an e280R because my first went through the washer by accident and wasn’t as good, so I wanted an upgrade. I didn’t want a Rhapsody model but it was the only one in stores I could find at the time. I got it vanilla e280 via Unlocking and Rock…
From Win to Ubuntu to Linux Mint
I installed Ubuntu on an old laptop to fix my Sansa e280 last week. A couple of days later I changed the distro to Linux Mint KDE 18.2 64bit UEFI. It’s running great on that old HP laptop. On Tuesday of this week I put that same iso on a DVD to dual-boot install Linux…