My photo: March 29, 2010 ‘March Moon Rising’ – Good Enough for Halloween 2018
Music Servers
Always wanting to do something with the music I have, I always want it in a way I can easily listen to it, and basically enjoy it fully. I used to sit at my desk mostly to listen to music via my computer. At one point I had an mp3 kind of player, but it…
Plex or Emby? Emby Wins.
That first part of the title was my question earlier in this year. By January 2018 I was sick and tired of the mainline online media things. I wanted to keep it easy, make it work, and I disliked how things were changing. So I looked into my own media solutions and checked out (via…
Sculley in the light again.
Our Dilute Tortie: Sculley
Photo taken on October 12, 2018 with Samsung Note8.