Month: November 2019

  • Our Modem finally got the speed upgrade

    Suddenly everyone yelling about no internet. Hahahahaha. Modem rebooted with insane speed compared to the 50/10 we had before.

  • Comcast Business Upgrade Problems

    We are upgrading out Comcast Business Internet speed. In order to accomplish that they had to install a different modem on Monday. Yes, the unloved CG3000CR modem. It’s not just a modem either. How the cable comes into our house I have it behind my desk in the basement. The old modem just spit out…

  • Early November Sky

    Early November Sky
  • Time


    Time is something we as humans feel. We have clocks to regulate how we know what is happening. Not just external clocks, but internal clocks too. Our internal clock works naturally. When an external clock suddenly imposes a new time on our internal clocks the balance is shifted jarringly. Post Modern times are so modernized,…