Year of the Maple

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It was so dark this morning, then light came back. In and out, too shiny, just bright enough, darker, lighter, sun and shade alternating. Threat of rain all week. Today it started out wet, and we’ll have more of it.

Temperatures were higher last week and lower this week. Humidity is up, but not all the time. What month is it? March? It must be. But no, we are past the mid-point of May. What utter magic is controlling the atmosphere.

I have over twenty maple seedlings collected on my property the past week. I have never seen that many springing up from seeds self sown.

We have three Autumn Flame Maple trees. One October Glory Maple. Two Paperbark Maples. One Japanese Bloodgood Maple.

Of all these many seedlings are probably from the Paperbark Maples. It’s not a true breeding you get from maple seeds so… it’s just the location of where things found, mostly Paperbark territory leaves look more like that side of backyard, some October Glory territory out front, leaves tending more towards traditional maple. Then the Japanese Maple is out front too, so …

One seedling I translated to a little pot last week still has it’s Samara (seed) casing still attached. Isn’t it so cute? It is! It was in the spot right across from the Japanese Maple.

I’m finding the trees in cool/wetter spots. Where the a/c drips behind the air unit, in front of the house under windows, where the least sunlight goes … etc.

When I go outside to look at some plants, weed a little more here and there, voila. More seedlings. Every time one or two, or more, new ones are found.

Left found 5-19-2020 in front of house, October Glory territory. Right found across from Japanese Maple and the tiny one bent over was directly under that tree.

I went out looking for one I knew was there in the middle of writing this, came back with it and three more. That’s how it goes.

This is the Year of the Maple Tree. Helicoptors from every tree years and years and years of Helicoptors floating around, and so many are sprouting up without any human interaction now. Nice.

What will I do with all these trees. I hope all will grow to maturity. I can plant a few, maybe more. I will container grow the rest until maybe someone will want one. The future is trees. 🙂

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