My Duo 2 has to be replaced

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Barely to 7 mo. with this device, and the right screen suddenly started showing a line on everything but solid black. Like a translucent line, softer at the edges, not thin, thicker with the soft edges.

It was even more obvious when I put just a single color on the screens. The right screen was a different brightness, and the color was different too. More ghostly lines were looking to be forming in the middle.

So yesterday I made the decision to figure out what I could do. Manufacturer Warranty in effect so had to go to Microsoft, but I did, and now have my pristine looking phone in a box ready to ship to them. No scratches or cracks or any defect but that horrible right-side screen.

I took all the bumpers and skins off and the sim out. I don’t know what I will be offered in exchange for a few or more days (before Christmas would be nice to know) –my fear is they won’t have an Obsidian like I had to give me.

Stock out there has been slim pickings, so that bleeds into what Microsoft can do as well.

I am without a phone now. Dependent on others for communication. My family just phone calls and texts so I have nothing to communicate with at a distance.

Oh well, the introvert can deal with that just fine in reality.

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