Feeling with Histamine #1

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Sunday, June 25, 2023

Woke up feeling like shit. Brain fog in forehead, stuck feeling. Drank water, took quercetin and nac, realized I hadn’t taken any for the third time on Saturday, and didn’t take my probiotic or magnesium before sleeping.

Fed cats, miserable throughout it. Finally had shilijit coffee with cream. Made me feel some better. Had to use bathroom. Guts.

Ate Rice Chex with honey and milk.

Took a few of my day supplements. Had to go again, guts worse, guts burning, gooeyer. Icky, icky. Had to go more, and more, then again and again and again.

Everytime I tried to do something I ended up concentating on it and suddenly just HAD to go to the bathroom very, very emergency feeling.

Just before 1pm suddenly felt weaker and weaker and fell into a major deep hole. Got a glass of milk, drank more than half and had to lay down.

Laid down on couch with my throw for about 15 minutes, suddenly in the middle decided to take Excedrin, just hang it all, who cares. Maybe felt a bit better after awhile.

Decided to fill my glass and take a bath.

It’s now 2:41pm EDT.

Out of bath awhile ago, fresh clothes, trimmed my hair, put gel in. Not as bad as before, thanks Excedrin and magnesium bath.

Hopefully my histamine levels won’t rise too much before DAO can take over again.

I still wonder if most of my problems stem from less DAO naturally all my life.

DAO might help me, but it is expensive to buy. To use forever more it might help me but freaking expensive. Health worth anything? Should be.

Thinking back to Thursday (6-22-2023) night, I was starving so Frank got me Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich from Friends Grill. Within minutes of eating almost half, I couldn’t eat another bite, felt overfull and minutes after that was fiilllled with histamine to the to of my head. Everything itched my head and mouth and throat, nose, hair on fire.

OK never again will I eat any of their food. Never again ever, no matter what. Plus I don’t really like their cheesesteak sandwich. Their best is a monte christo. Pork though I shouldn’t really eat except for procured by me fresh and eaten or frozen immediately. Defrost and eat, but never just leftover or anything from anywhere that is cooked and is pork/ham/sausage.

I was aching from head to toe a couple hours later and wanted to take advil but just took magnesium and went to sleep eventually.

Woke up Friday morning, Quentin’s 16th birthday. Still achey but not as severely as night before.

I got through the day, made blueberry muffins, played monopoly, but really felt off and horrible inside the whole time.
Had a small slice of chocolate/mint combo Ben and Jerry’s ice cream cake, after that I went bitch into itchy again like fucking crazy.

OK two occasions eating something on the no-no list for histamine intolerance … cooked meat that maybe was sitting around for while. Chocolate in spades.

No chocolate ever again. Oh one my favorite things
Beef, sandwiches, I love, but have to be so careful with origins and how treated more than ever.

Eating out will be so difficult.

I need to feel well enough by Tuesday, Cure concert that night. I am very, very worried about it.

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