Histamine Intolerance +

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What are my problems? I see them as a circulous issue, points on the circle all connected, very hard to see the individual points alone.

  • Point One: GUTS
  • Point Two: HIT
  • Point Three: Mold
  • Point Four: Hormones
  • Point Five: Yeast

How many more points are there…..

I have tried AIP and KETO and a merging of the ideas, plus started a probiotic SEED. My allergies continued to ramp up though, and initial KETO diet I lost weight, then stalled no matter what I did. I was miserable and retrovision says I was HISTAMINE OVERLOADED for years before that and through all that.

Already I have dealt with a lot of Histamine Intolerance, and am continuing to add ideas in, so far Quercetin, Stinging Nettle, NAC, Vit C-ester, A Histamine friendly probiotic product instead of SEED.

I have a book on Google Play Books that helps me with symptoms and solutions, and so many points of probable problems. It’s complex and well, the Five points up at the top of this post are the key issues that must be dealt with.

We cleaned up a lot of mold that was in my bedroom window and bathroom. I felt some better.

I realized that Estrogen Dominance was my enemy too. Got a Progesterone Cream, and started that and whoa levels of histamine felt like they were going down, not as bad now. Basically I alway felt better with progesterone cream in the old days, now in my mid-years, all the more important. Estrogen make for a bigger Histamine problem. Get it balance with progesterone and voila. Better, not great, but better.

Onto other issues that make HIT worse.

Yeast infections … is it that or parasites or …. ahhhhhhhh.

I have a protease supplement on order (to arrive on July 27) Deal with biofilms and other junk first and see what’s left to deal with.

Meanwhile I have a MoonMaiden Botanicals salve to aide me, and a new one on order since that one I have is years old and I want a fresh one.

I also am trying Castor Oil wrapping. Not sure about it yet.

I’m using NAC differently now, taking it in am and evening by itself with water then wait to eat something 30min. later. No other supplements with it.

Needing to be sure of liver cleansing, getting guts in order, but all this is dependant on getting yeast and other junk out too.

I know it’s possible to feel better, just never perfect and will have to live a low histamine lifestyle, but crossing my fingers for things like tomatoes to be nicer to me after the main cleaning and living things are done. I’ll miss chocolate, but all in all I don’t care about that, I want tomatoes again, that’s it.

Well, some hot chili use would be nice too. I love enchiladas, meat chili, etc. Tomato and Chilies, yum.

Having that, and lasagna, spaghetti every once in while is just what I want. What I miss, there are no alternatives for this stuff.

Eating fresh and no leftovers is tough. We live over 3 miles from the basic grocery store and 20 miles from Earthfare, and I can’t get stuff frequently or … the basic idea is exhausting. Cooking every meal I eat fresh. Small amounts just for me. Tough as nails, I’ve cooked bulk-like all my life.

To feel ok, use less tissues, get less colds, have energy instead of miserable and more listless misery than that. To not have to recover from a trip to Costco. To not be exhausted by Noon. To want to exercise, to not trip and injure myself as much. To have less anxiety, less itching, more exuberance for life.

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