My Galaxy Player 5.0 is running CM 11 and I like it like this, but it’s sloggy-ish to me, not that it never was. Every version of software on this is slooow-ish to some point.
I’ve always preferred my phones to my Galaxy Player 5.0 since they have better ‘insides’ and software. Snappy and responsive.
Point 1: I hate Touch Wiz.
Point 2: I hate Android GingerBread.
I like the feel of the Galaxy Player. It’s just a nice device with a not so great chip, and limited ability to upgrade it with custom roms. But it can be done, so of course I did it day 1. Bricked my first one, replaced it, and have, several times, re-rommed it.
For a long time I did have other roms and changed something in property files to use my SD external card as my internal. That was great, but I didn’t like the slowness of the devices action on those ROMS.
Getting CM 10 on it changed it. I didn’t bother with the internal/external trick anymore. I eventually put CM 11 on it. Recently it just got to me and did more research.
Thus, the reason I’m writing this.
I got this done easily last week. It all seemed good, at first, but then every day Google Music was re-downloading everything.
I did more research, and it wasn’t just me. I deleted that Music2SD module and then looked in the Xposed Installer app for an older version of the Muisc2SD Module, 1.6.1, <---- that one is as solid as the day is long. I have found that leaving WiFi on kills battery faster, of course, but even more so, it causes gulpy, gluppy, slowdown gulps in my music. I had to have as much of my music downloaded as possible to listen happily. This means I can't scrobble on the fly. Simple Scrobbler is fine with that. I have it set now to scrobble later, every 10 songs, and if WiFi is off, it'll hold them in queue until I turn WiFi on, then instantly my stats are on profile. Even playing downloaded music with wifi on is glitchy sounding. I'm streaming to a BEATS Pill usually. I have to try a few tests and see if it's like that connected with the cable to the same speaker, and also to other devices, cable and/or bluetooth. I have a Philips Android Bluetooth Speaker by my bedside. I don't recall it flipping out at all. I can't be sure though, so ... I'll report back in another post with my findings later. On CM 10 I did have Greenify app running. I don't on CM 11. I guess I'll have to try that. Plus I do have all notification OFF. Anything to minimize interference with my music! Music playing and streaming from WiFi to Bluetooth BEATS PILL works flawlessly on my Nexus 5 phone. Of course it does, KitKat wonder that it is. 🙂 So CM 11 on Galaxy Player 5.0 feels great with no WiFi on. It slows down a bit the more that's going on. Looking at settings and all, that is snappy enough. Play music and there are some delays, but I'm used to it, though I know the other side of how it works on my KitKat Nexus 5. I have to have a player separate from my phone. I just need that. Not to talk on the phone, just need a consistent Player that can scrobble. I need that battery ability of the player, with my phone filling in the gaps. I'm so glad I have my Galaxy Player 5.0 able to download and keep all that music on it now. 32GB card was sitting there wasted.
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