Category: Entertainment

  • Getting Help Installing Android Market Apps from phone to a new tablet

    I bought Bejeweled 2 on my HTC Evo in the past several months. It’s something I’ve wanted to use on a larger touch screen device, like which I now have in the HTC EVO View tablet I got yesterday. In the Market on my new device there is no Bejeweled 2. On my computer Bejeweled…

  • Post Birthday 2011

    I got my last birthday present yesterday. It was something that was ordered but couldn’t be delivered to the store until then. Unfortunately my husband decided to make it a mystery gift, wouldn’t tell me what it was, had nothing but a mystery coupon about it in my card … so nothing to “open” or…

  • July 4th 2011

    July 4th 2011

    The Fourth of July was a good day, though the weather was very uncooperative most of the day, in one form or another. It was sunny in the morning, then started to cloud over, and we had threatening storms, then massive rain, lightning, gusty wind, hail, etc. There were MORE storms threatening to our West…

  • iMT525 & Rocketfish Bluetooth Dongle on PC

    The Altec Lansing Soundblade (iMT525) works really well with my HTC Evo (android) phone … bluetooth works easily. On my Win 7 laptop I sometimes have a Rocketfish Bluetooth dongle installed in a USB port. My phone connects fine for file transfer (which is all I have done with it.) Today I decided to get…

  • New Scrapbook etc. Space

    I’m finally in my “new” craft/computer room! It needs to have the drywall finished, then the kind of desk/counters/cabinets that I want on two sides, but for now I do have my red Bergsbo cabinet (IKEA) which wholes a whole lot of my stash for scrapbooking, plus I have an old glass desk I’m using…