Category: Entertainment

  • Happy 2011

    The new year was greeted by us with some Black Cat Firecrackers, 1 cake Johnny B. Good (30-shots), and 1 other cake Thunder Mountain (33-shots). Some neighbors shot off mortars here and there after dark set in, here and there, and more as midnight grew closer. We only had firecrackers for the entire night, with…

  • Television

    In the last few months (I need to research this and input the actual date, it was in 2010) we got a new TV, eventually slated for the kitchen, but put into immediate use in the master bedroom replacing the finally dead Emprex piece of junk. It quit turning on via the button on the…

  • Alice in Wonderland opens today

    Today is the day Alice in Wonderland opens in theatres. My husband and I will be seeing the IMAX 3D version later this afternoon. I’m excited. He could care pretty much less. The day before yesterday we were out getting some shopping done and ended up at the mall. We went into the Disney store…

  • Stryper 25th Anniversary Tour

    My husband and I went to see Stryper in Atlanta a few days ago, Wednesday, October 21, 2009. The whole show was really good. I really liked their opening band, Manic Drive. I’d not heard of them previously, and found their show super, so we got a couple of t-shirts & their latest CD after…

  • My Birthday July 18, 2009

    We did go to SC and get some fireworks 1 2 for my birthday, and to pick up milk from the farm yesterday. I have my birthday cheesecake in the oven. (yes, I am making my own birthday cake, beats having one from a store …) Frank had me open my presents already. A bunch…