PS3 early Christmas
We were going to buy a PS3 system for Christmas, but yesterday after getting paid for the last time before Christmas we were out doing some shopping and DH decided “let’s just get the PS3 today, and a game for the children, and one for you, and one for me” and then not wait until…
Non-inspirational Life
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Sometimes I feel like writing but don’t have the opportunity to do so. When I do have the opportunity, like now, I just can’t think of anything to write any more. It’s the thing, probably, since I have a toddler now, and not much chance to be…
Guitar Hero III Medium; GHWT
I wrote here on September 19th about Guitar Hero III on Easy mode, and that I wasn’t too anxious to begin Medium, but eventually I did just that, on Sept 25th precisely. I wasn’t very good at it at first, but did get some better with practice of the solo on Slow Ride, for starters.…
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock: My Career on Easy
Before our last trip, which we took in the beginning of September, been back less than a week, thus far …, I had finally started using my Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Wii game that I had gotten for my “birthday” in July. I hadn’t ever played any Guitar Hero or that sort of…
Sansa e280R to Sansa e280 (Plain Vanilla)
I have a Sansa e280R (that’s the BestBuy Rhapsody model version of the Sandisk Sansa e200 line of flash based mp3 players.) I used to use a Sansa e260 when they first came out, but it went through the washer by mistake in the autumn of 2007 and didn’t work right once it dried out,…