Mayhem 2013 – Atlanta
My husband and I went to Mayhem at Aaron’s Lakewood Amphitheatre this year, on July 30th. It was a sunny day, hot, not too hot, not too humid, but put it all together and it was too much heat for me. (Lots of other people too.) Of all the bands outside during the afternoon I…
Wikipedia is blacked out for 24 hours today
I support their move. It’s hard on us though. Just bit me. I knew about it ahead too. But it’s a truth universally acknowledged, show people how bad something could be, and they will finally believe it. I do applaud their blackout on January 18, 2012. Every Category in this blog system is applied to…
It’s that time again, Fall Allergies are totally whopping me. It was a couple of weeks or three ago that I and my eldest noticed effects ramping up, so we started taking the one-a-day Aller-tec (from Costco) which we had used previously in the Spring (2011.) Not long after the first ingested pill it is…
Heat Wave
Right now our outdoor temperature probe says: 98.4° F. + 50% humidity … this morning it wasn’t nearly that hot, don’t know what the humidity was, but it was “sub-tropical MUCK”! I used to live in South Florida, and it was that bad, horrid. I couldn’t hardly breathe, it felt. It felt like thick soup…
July 4th 2011
The Fourth of July was a good day, though the weather was very uncooperative most of the day, in one form or another. It was sunny in the morning, then started to cloud over, and we had threatening storms, then massive rain, lightning, gusty wind, hail, etc. There were MORE storms threatening to our West…