Category: Weather

  • My Indoor Spring Blooms w/Rooster

    I like how this photo looks. The branches from Pussy Willow, Yoshino Cherry, and Redbud in a vase, in full bloom indoors, with my cast iron Rooster papertowel holder in front. I love the look of this, I love chickens and cast iron and spring blooms, so what’s better than this?!!!!

  • Spring in the South

    It’s springtime here in full force. It’s over 74 degrees F. today. Ugh. The A/C isn’t working. Par for the course. (It hardly ever works the last 7 years, sometimes it does, but after sitting for the winter & being used as a heat pump, it just doesn’t start the real A/C thing until it…

  • Spring is really coming

    Spring really seems to be here where we live. Allergies are up, of course. Just a bit worse than winter allergies now, we do expect them to ramp up more and more over the next month. At any rate, though there are pollens about, I have opened some windows here and there in the house.…

  • Mild, Cold, Mild

    1/12 of the year is almost already over. Fast month! The start of this month, the New Year, the weather was oh so very spring-like mild. Now here it is the end of the month, and it is also oh so very spring-like mild. Warm the last day or so, today it’s gentle rain, overcast,…

  • Happy 2011

    The new year was greeted by us with some Black Cat Firecrackers, 1 cake Johnny B. Good (30-shots), and 1 other cake Thunder Mountain (33-shots). Some neighbors shot off mortars here and there after dark set in, here and there, and more as midnight grew closer. We only had firecrackers for the entire night, with…