Tag: Feeling with Histamine

  • Histamine Intolerance +

    What are my problems? I see them as a circulous issue, points on the circle all connected, very hard to see the individual points alone. How many more points are there….. I have tried AIP and KETO and a merging of the ideas, plus started a probiotic SEED. My allergies continued to ramp up though,…

  • Feeling with Histamine #2

    The morning of The Cure concert day was a bad start. More gut junk. Finally had energy and got ready, went, but air quality was ORANGE, and I was huffing and puffing without knowing why. I ate bad stuff no-no stuff. Little recourse. I was in stiff miserable pain after getting home at 12:30am ALL…

  • Feeling with Histamine #1

    Sunday, June 25, 2023 Woke up feeling like shit. Brain fog in forehead, stuck feeling. Drank water, took quercetin and nac, realized I hadn’t taken any for the third time on Saturday, and didn’t take my probiotic or magnesium before sleeping. Fed cats, miserable throughout it. Finally had shilijit coffee with cream. Made me feel…