Green Lynx Spider Egg Sacs – 2 different spiders
The above photo is of the big Green Lynx Spider that is in earlier posts & pictures on this blog. She has stayed in the same cluster of flowers since I spotted her, eating bees and wasps and hornets, until sometime after the flowers faded when she made her egg sac. Spiderlings may soon emerge.…
Green Lynx Spider with Hornet
Peucetia viridans – Green Lynx Spider (3 Photos)
Green Lynx Spiders are still loving my Roses. The above photo were of the two spiders that were down lower, more photograph-able today. The biggest one is in her same spot as usual, no photo doing justice to her today, she is so fat, the cluster of 3 flowers has long faded, but there…
Green Lynx Spider
In my rose garden this week Green Lynx Spiders have decided to take up residence.