• LEGO Worlds PS4 (RNG)

    We got LEGO Worlds for our son’s birthday yesterday. It was nice to see him playing it, then later in the evening I finally got my own chance to play it. We both had fun and are getting through all the upgrading to arrive at the I CAN BUILD ANYTHING stage. This game is a…

  • LEGO The Hobbit is fun!

    LEGO The Hobbit is fun!

    LEGO The Hobbit game on PS4 is fun. It’s not the best game ever, it has more going for it how many things work out in LEGO games, but it’s not as epic as LEGO Lord of the Rings was (though that one would be super epic if it was updated today.) It is very…

  • LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Universe In Peril – PS Vita

    LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Universe In Peril for PS Vita I finally, got this game. Frustrating to admit that it’s OK I got it so late. It, as a game from LEGO tradition, just doesn’t do it for me. LEGO games traditionally let you swap between two characters … not so easily on PS Vita, not…

  • LEGO #6866 X-Men Wolverine’s Chopper Showdown

    My new LEGO set, a photo by CrazyMaisy on Flickr. I bought this last week and put it together while videoing segments … something which I’ll link to once the video is processed and uploaded to YouTube. It’s a really fun set, fun to build and play with. The helicopter chopper is really neato and…

  • Lego Train Track

    I have a LEGO Train, no power functions yet, and no track yet. I would like to get all of that, to have a decent layout. But … Lego don’t have any good track in their shop at home store, there is some on eBay for WAY TOO MUCH MONEY! It was $15.99 at one…