Tag: PS4

  • Forge TV means “Netflix isn’t my favorite” and Razer better fix it sooner than later.

    Forge TV means “Netflix isn’t my favorite” and Razer better fix it sooner than later.

    #Netflix #Razer #ForgeTV #AndroidTV “Razer Forge TV has Google Cast built-in so you can cast your favorite entertainment from your mobile device to your TV.” –Razer makes it sound good, until you don’t see the obvious missing tile … no Netflix, none, and not good ways of using it. [] [www.razerzone.com/gaming-systems/razer-forge-tv]   Favorite entertainment, except…

  • Success Fixing Freezer, but can’t fix one’s disorganization

    I’ve been working hard to re-organize some things, and it’s taking so much time, effort, and so much out of me, I can’t do as much as I want to … and of course LEGO Marvel Avengers released during that time. I played it on my PS4, my main PSN ID, Plat. but couldn’t stop…

  • Lack of Nice Laptops; 43x830C Monitor is Wonderful instead

    We were looking for a new laptop for me, specs important, build feel important. We didn’t find anything worthwhile. So the other thing I wanted, besides a UHD 4K laptop was, a UHD 4K large monitor for my desktop (which I built long ago, it feels.) We were at BestBuy and went to look where…

  • Sparkle Unleashed on PSN

    I’ve been playing Sparkle Unleashed, mostly on PS4, and when playing there, I stream it to Twitch. I was a little miffed when I bought the game that all 3 versions: PS4, PS Vita, PS3, share the same trophy list. Sparkle 2, it’s predecessor, had separate trophy lists. So it goes, I only have to…

  • Carolina Rebellion 2015 This Weekend!

    I’m really looking forward to this weekend! We’ll leave this afternoon to travel to the area and chill until it begins on Saturday. I have a the latest and greatest to keep me occupied,  Lucas Davenport series, Gathering Prey. I have to remember to de-Activate one PS4 and Activate the other before leaving. (I sometimes…