Tag: PS4

  • PlayStation Music Spotify Basic Info

    PlayStation Music Spotify Basic Info

    Spotify Issues Spotify on PS4 and PS3 is good, but … things are not as they should be. #1: Scrobbling. Last.fm Scrobbling integration was left out of the PlayStation Music Spotify app. Not cool. #2: Playlists are not working well in the app alone. Connect via another device make it all a better experience, but…

  • Spotify and PlayStation

    Spotify and PlayStation

    Spotify was something I wasn’t interested in. I wanted to explore music by finding artists, groups, albums that I liked, purchase the media, and listen to it from my ripped version put to Google Play Music. Then PlayStation announced PlayStation Music partnered with Spotify. www.spotify.com/us/playstation/ That was last week, and now I’m already a Spotify…

  • Crazy-Maisy LittleBigPlanet 1,2,V,3

    Crazy-Maisy  LittleBigPlanet 1,2,V,3

      LittleBigPlanet – 2008 We didn’t get the game until it was out as the Game of the Year Edition. I didn’t play it much, but was involved with it as a Mother to younger children playing the game.  I’ve been playing through the Story the last couple of weeks, to get the trophies finally.…

  • Tearaway Unfolded PS4 Causing Strife

    I’m sickened by the attitudes of some PS Vita owners. Something like Tearaway. The Developers for that game made it for the PS Vita. It’s their prerogative to make something more or less of it on another platform. Today Media Molecule unveiled their new project, Tearaway Unfolded for PS4. It’s a re-telling of the original…

  • LEGO The Hobbit is fun!

    LEGO The Hobbit is fun!

    LEGO The Hobbit game on PS4 is fun. It’s not the best game ever, it has more going for it how many things work out in LEGO games, but it’s not as epic as LEGO Lord of the Rings was (though that one would be super epic if it was updated today.) It is very…