Tag: Sony

  • Thinking About PS4 Situations

    Alone There’s a big thing I often think about: In the upcoming months the PS4 in our house will be alone. It’s going to be a nice machine, have awesome ability to have us game wonderfully into the next generation of games. Alone is a big thing. Some games are single games, but so many…

  • PlayStation 4 in Two Weeks!

    It’s officially November now, only 15 or so (whichever way you count days) to go until PS4 is released! We have three PS3’s and won’t be getting rid of them. They have a high use place in our house. We’ll have one new PS4 at first, and maybe we’ll move a PS3 to another spot…

  • Killzone Mercenary Game Stats are online

    I know my previous post is a giant us.playstation.com forums complaint, connected to PS Vita and Killzone Mercenary. I’m very bothered by it still, but because of that I stumbled onto the best of the best. Killzone Mercenary game stats. Killzone Mercenary Phantom Talon Corporation Mercenaries Business Directory Mercenary Sign up / Sign in (PSN ID…

  • Assassin’s Creed

    I was interested in Assassin’s Creed back when it was first out or early on. Not HIGHLY interested, just knew about it and wanted to pursue it, but didn’t and here we are. E3 is something I follow, more-so PlayStation than anyone, and this year I streamed all the stuff via my PC —> HDMI…

  • E3 at home

    I can watch E3 coverages via Playstation’s lens via their blog,  Playstation HOME,  PS3 XMB, & PS Vita NicoNico app. Tonight they start with a Press Conference. It’ll be interesting to see what they unveil, and also to see how each of those formats works or doesn’t. I’ve spend other times before in PS Home.…