Tag: Sourdough Starter

  • I tried to warm up my Sourdough Starter

    Yesterday I worked on getting my Starter for Sourdough warmer. We only use the fireplace in the living room to heat, a space heater here or there for room that people are too cold in. Winter is up and down where we live, I can’t breathe with blown heat (through the A/C system, heatpump+emergency electric…

  • First Sourdough Starter use: Cornbread

    First Sourdough Starter use: Cornbread

    My Starter is looking pretty good, it’s just so cold now, attempting more than lesser sourdough recipes is my lot. I halved my starter and used the Discard to setup cornbread for later. This worked wonderfully. Springy cornbread, yummy and holey. Just freaking delicious. We had Meatball Soup, and Sourdough Cornbread for dinner. Original recipe…