Tag: Treo

  • Charging a Pixel 7

    “Charging Wirelessly” “Charging Slowly” “Charging Rapidly” Pixel 7. On Samsung Wireless Charger, just Charging Wirelessly. Very slowly too, while Samsung devices say Fast Charging Wirelessly. I connected Pixel 7 to my USB-C cord that is plugged into my PC USB-C power port, Instant “Charging Slowly” message, then a couple of seconds later “Charging Rapidly” OK.…

  • Treo; Mobile Edition; Audible

    We upgraded my cellphone the other day. I am now the proud owner of a Treo 755p. I love it. The last “Palm” I had was a Zire … a plastic white and blue device … which didn’t last too long. I got it as an Audible bundle deal, cheap for subscribing to an Audible…