Tag: UMD

  • (un)Holy Cow! PSN takes the cake

    Sony is depressing me terribly today. I’m glad I didn’t go to their playstation blog yesterday, when I really couldn’t have dealt with it at all. I’d have thrown all my PS* stuff out by now if so. And seriously be considering the best way to … I don’t know, live without PlayStation, get rid…

  • Syphon Filter for PSP

    I’ve known about the Syphon Filter franchise all along, was interested in it the entire time, but never got any of the games. (SF games on any platform) Christmas 2007 I got my first PSP. I was interested highly in getting something I liked on that device, but never got much of anything useful (things…

  • PSP Golden Compass UMD – frustration

    I know, it’s a dumb game. I had it back when I first got a PSP (2007) I didn’t play it much at all, but would have, and then lost the case I had several UMD’s in, and it was one of them. Recently my DH was out-of-town and went to a used book store,…


    Lately I’ve started looking into PSP homebrew. I hadn’t ever researched it, never wanting to hack my PSP, happy with it’s functionality. I was aware that custom firmwares existed, and that it was something I’d maybe want to do, but I did wait too long to fully take that to the level that would be…