Tag: WebOS

  • Evo

    I got an HTC Evo (Sprint 4G) phone a few weeks ago, and have been really loving it. I believed in Palm, had a Palm Pre (Sprint, 1st webOS device) day 1: June 6, 2009. I was holding out the whole time for a few apps and functionalities to come to webOS, video eventually did.…

  • Poster for WordPress

    I just purchased Poster for WordPress in the Palm App catalog for $1.99. This is my 1st post using it. I’m really happy to have an app for this. I didn’t realize there was one like this until this afternoon, and now I do think I consider it one of the most important apps that I…

  • Preware for Palm Pre

    I waited long enough for the process to be easy. I got Preware running on my Palm Pre this past week and love what I’ve changed on my Pre. I have a blue dialer, so much nicer than the original green, it’s exactly what I’ve wanted and a notice about it online in the past…