Upgrade in progress

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Remember that upgrade I talked about here?

It’s in progress. Really. What am I talking about? Ah, it’s a woman thing. Some women today need extra progesterone. Yes. It’s fine to talk about. Natural progesterone cream is available in the United States without a prescription. Dr’s poo-poo it here. Well, what else is new?

Many doctors do just that, offer drugs for symptoms, not something that will HELP someone. I’ve struggled with migraines and PMS symptoms for years. Are these things real? Yes. What could help someone like this? Progesterone? I’d have laughed at that in the past. But no longer. For the last couple of weeks I’ve been using some. I’m calmer, like right now, even though I have a screaming, rebellious 22 month old right next to me. A month ago –pre-progesterone era– I’d have been furious by now.

I have so much to say, but won’t. The big thing about this is many women struggle in their adult years, needlessly. They struggle with health issues, infertility issues, quick anger, sluggishness … just to name a few things. Women are called lazy and/or sinful because of these things, by Christians.

I got by. I treated my symptoms as well as I could with over-the-counter meds. But I realized finally that here in my mid-30’s things were getting way worse than I’d ever experienced. Imitrex, Prozac, just two things any doctor would GLADLY throw my way. I’ve never asked for these, and never will.

What does natural progesterone do? It creates a balance in your body if it’s out of balance. If your body is hormonally running smooth, it feels quite different. I know the difference now. It’ll take awhile to attain a stable balance … but so far, it’s like night and day, the difference. As my husband put it the other day “I can see that we are becoming a kinder, gentler family!”

Wow. Yes, just one woman changing, changes the whole family. Chain reactions are cut off at the core. Mornings aren’t as hard now either. No, I’m STILL not a morning person, but neither am I a Grizzly coming out of Winter Hibernation either anymore.

So, was it sin that made me grouchy in the morning? Sin that made me have a hair-trigger on my anger? Sin that made my body freak out over loud noise?

If so, why is it that natural progesterone cream use has rendered me nice in the morning. What is anger? Very little contact with it. Loud noise? What’s too loud? Three screaming little children? Not anymore.

That’s just the beginning. Migraines aren’t as bad. Energy is somewhat better. Low-Blood sugar tendancies are improving.

God has given us what we need to live. If in these modern times I need extra progesterone, then yes, it’s what I need, and it’s available. I can sit here and desire to be nicer … and want to feel better. I can pray about it daily, often, always.

God will heal me one day, all of us actually, of our afflictions. But in this LIFE, we have things to make us function better … natural progesterone cream for women is one of these things. And it’s not a “drug” it has no bad side-effects. It’s exactly what our bodies make. It’s something good. Mine is called Happy PMS Cream. Funny, but TRUE!

So if any one reading this has any PMS symptoms, find out about using natural progesterone cream. It could change you back into you — Defragging works smoothly now, since I began upgrading.

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