Here is an excerpt from George Grant’s 1991 book “The Blood Of The Moon”.
From pages 73-74/second section:The Past And Prophecy/Chapter:5 Ji’had: The Unending War of Conquest/
The Lessons of History
During the days of mobilization for World War I, when it looked for a time that American troops would be deployed in the Middle East against the fierce Ottomans, a young Presbyterian pastor, James Alexander Bryan, eloquently expressed the key message of the ages:
Let all be done in bathed prayer–our working and our playing, our eating and our sleeping, our dreaming and our doing. Let all be done bathed in prayer. But most particularly, when we know that our boys, our sons, and our brothers, and our husbands, must face those denizens of terror from the desert realms of the Levant, should we bathe our very inner being, our breathing, and our thinking in prayer. Dost thou not know that the hosts of Cain and the minions of Babel, the legions of Saracen and the hordes of Arabia are set from eternity against the covenant people Pray therefore. Night and day, pray. Moment by moment, pray. Pray for mercy. O dear souls, pray. 12
Pray, because the passion for Ji’had will not go away simply because we deploy troops in impressive and deadly array. Pray, because the desire for Dhimmi will continue to divide East and West despite our carefully constructed international coalitions and strategic alliances. Pray, because it’s never over ’til it’s over.
So if he admits that in this old book (old by modern accounts and political wanderings) does it mean he today Supports the so-called war? Or doesn’t? Or stands upon that middle line? I don’t know. All I know is that the few times I’ve been to his blogs I get the idea he’s different that when I knew him better. But then I really didn’t know him well, and probably misread his activist stances, and his fiery sermons in Ft. Lauderdale. I must admit, he supported Bush in the election. That makes dirty hands in my estimation. I am sorry if this offends anyone, but it is the truth, so be not offended, just ashamed that you too voted for Empire Builder Numero Uno.
If prayer is needed so that Ji’had will go away, why send in troops at all? How does it help? Further on in the book are other things I will post later, that are relevant, I think.
Ji’had will never go away, NEVER, not until God strikes that whole Islamic system down.
They call on God as their God, but say Mohammad is the only true prophet … THIS IS A SLAP in the face, the very Face of the True Living God, Yahweh.
Killing them doesn’t make them go away. It only magically produces more Ji’had-ists than there were before any were done away with.
I understand their passion. I understand it totally. I don’t agree with it though. Leave us alone, we’ll leave you alone. That sort of thing doesn’t work.
Their passion is sort of that Necromonger passion. [See Chronicles of Riddick for that definition.]
So I seek to live in peace. I call for no troops over there. I don’t have a say in that though. Leave those ‘countries’ be. Protect these shores by staying home and protecting here, not trying to “spread democracy” [wink, wink]. They don’t really want it. Why should they? What we have here is bad, why spread it? Yikes. Well, that’s not the real reason any how. We do know that. It’s no secret.
On this book’s rear cover there is this comment:
George Grant’s insights need to be studied by U.S. policymakers.
His book is being pased around in key circles in Washington.
Howard Phillips
former Director, U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity
Maybe they need to pass this book around again. There IS a different administration in “power” since this book was first printed.
But then again, it’s been a long time since I’ve read it. I paged through it today and found key interesting things, as above. More damning things for the Mighty Democracy-at-the-Point-of-a-Sword Spreaders. I must though start at the beginning, and read to the end, boring, but needed. It’s been too long, I can’t not read from cover to cover. I have to get a full overview of the meaning in the book, THEN all the excerpts will be better served out with my sauce. 🙂
Will terror ever be vanquished? Yes, when God decides enough is enough. When God sends Christ to return (it will surely then be defitely over) in Glory and Triumph and all will be judged and His Chosen redeemed. This ain’t no rapture baby, it’s the truth of the Bible, and that’s when Ji’had will cease, if not before. Time will be no more. Eternity is timeless. The beauty of that I know, since time is elastic for me (INTP, right brain, visual-spatial, etc.)
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