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The new Pope of the “Catholic Church” will surely be bringing about a lot of stirring the “christian” pot. So far, the very little I’ve seen about it all on Fox News TV, and I have not seen much at all … but what I’ve seen is embracing of this new Pope by more than the “Catholic Church”. That all the Catholic Churchers do not embrace him. That those of other “churches” outside of the “Catholic Church” are excited and hope for something to happen, coming together in one way.

I wonder about the waves in Reformedom that this will bring about. Which way will some swim in the murky waters that surround the Reformed Camps. There is already a call out from some of them for more unity with “Catholics”, that was out before the old pope was at his last days for sure.

I haven’t gone looking for writing on the web about this at all as of yet. I’m ramping up to see about that soon-ish.

What is sure though, is there can not be true unity with the “Catholic Church”. Very so it is all about this:

There is no salvation outside of The Church.

They say that. They mean that. It’s true they say that, but it’s not a true statement.

Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and his shed blood. Through Christ we are healed. Not the Church.

The true church of the gospel does not have any head but Christ.

The Catholic Church is not a true church. It is not in Christ. It is outside of Christ.

One of the Fox News reporters brought out some of the Catholic Church beliefs and in fact said that the new Pope was inline with them and they all consider him “conservative”. Sure, he may be, but he’s only that in line with Catholicity. Conservative in a Catholic “We are the highest there is” way.

So what does God think of this all? He surely cries out for his chosen to cling to Christ and look only to Christ for salvation. Not to any Church or any man, only the true GOD MAN who is called The Christ, the true son of God, part of God, all God and Man as well.

Presbyterian Church Structure is what the Bible teaches. The Catholic Church has a Triangle structure. The Presbyterian Church has a line … no man is higher than another. We are all God’s chosen that he calls together. We have elders and teachers to guide the flocks we are in, but that is nothing like what the Catholic Church does. They say what doctrine is. They make it up and that is what their “so called Faith” is.

One response to “Popery”

  1. Marysue (Maisy) Avatar

    Test how long this takes