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We have Eastern Bluebird babies in the nestbox again, they are getting near to fledge-stage … their little cute bodies are getting blue little feathers, and the pattern that is on young bluebirds, so very cute.

Click here to go to my Bluebird Set on Flickr.

I took a walk outside a bit ago, with the Sun going to the West and Down a bit, so the backyard is cooler, shady for the first time since the Sun came up this morning. One little tree in the very back as a nice little nest, very compact, tight looking, with no one using it at all these last months since it was built (birds to that, build more than one nest and not use some.) Another tree near by that one has a nest it in now too, and didn’t last time I looked, about a week or so ago. It’s up to high for me to see without getting out the big ladder. It’s a “messy” looking nest, rather big.

I also found another nest in a tree near the front gate of the backyard, in a Paperbark Maple. There it is in it’s glory, strands of dried blooms hang down from all sides of this messy nest. Very interesting, it is. There under the tree are a few remaining weeds that sport the same dried bloom look … so this is a bird that uses what is around, literally. 🙂

I couldn’t quite see into the nest, so I got a chair from the house, and peeked inside once the chair was in place and I had climbed happily up to spy. Three big dark blue eggs. Yes, Robin Blue. Seems we’ll have the chance to see a Mama Robin about at close (if we go out back) range.

Robin Blue eggs, Robin’s eggs, June 29, 2006. Click pic to go to my Flickr set.

Spring and Summer are wonderful, just for the wild birds for their nest building, egg laying, brood raising … for many of them having a great testimony as to what couplehood and parenthood are. Sure, many birds are not so great in that way, but for one, the Bluebird sure is. They usually mate for life. They build the nest together. She lays the eggs and keeps them warm. He watches out for her always, and brings her things. When the babies hatch he and she both care for the babes. He is always defending his nestlings, wifey, and territory. Great man that he is. The lady is not so retiring either, getting her sleeves rolled up and fighting as need be.

My favorite birds are all blue in some manner, with the Eastern Bluebird my top favorite. I don’t have #1 favorites for very many things, but the Eastern Bluebird has won that spot ever since I’ve had the privilege to live where they live openly.

Go to my Flickr page to see Bluebird Babies, Robins Nest, which I’ve just uploaded from this evening, as well as any other photos you might wish to browse through.

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