Ah, the weather is nice and autumn like now, for a few days, at least.
The movement of air yesterday was very gusty later in the morning, it was blowing and blowing and blowing, and we had to plop some things down on one of the hen pens to keep the roof from flapping wildly and threatening to fly away.
Later in the afternoon a storm began to brew and it rained here at home, we were leaving to go to some stores just a bit later. While driving we went past the edge of the storm and it was obvious that it had previously rained there. A bit further down the road it was sprinkling, the storm over us again (we had changed directions on the roads a few times, and the storm was also oddly shaped.) In Duluth proper I turned to my right (east) and spotted a perfect rainbow … it was deep and lovely, and then above it a second one, lighter though, appeared. The perfect rainbow began to grow too, had way more ribbons of color than the traditional ones, it was almost mirroring itself below, with no gap, not all the colors, but the bottom three or four, yes.
The rainbow held in place then for several minutes, then slowly crept back in size to just a quarter of a bow to the south end of the original full one. The light one above dissapeared around then too. That quarter of a bow held for many minutes after that, but we lost sight of it when we turned and then turned again on our way to our first destination.
My “new” 6 year old was very vocal when I pointed the rainbow out, “That’s God’s Promise!” he shouted. 🙂
The next several minutes excited child voices traversed the idea of what the rainbow was and why God put it in the sky and what it means even today for us. 🙂
We went to Ted’s Montana Grill first, and while there the rain started to come down in horrid torrents. Before it let up some hail dropped too, nothing large, but it was noisy on the roof of the restaurant. It was very gusty during that deluge, the front door kept opening up all by itself. It was interesting.
We also went to the new Whole Foods store, the one that “took the place of Harry’s” recently. We were there last week during their first day open, and it was crazy and I hated it, though the store seemed nicely laid out and I thought it’d be nice if not packed with humans so much.
It was after 8pm when we got there last night, and it was so nice, people there, but not too many. We enjoyed looking around more deeply than before, and I enjoyed perusing the shelves for the things I normally get, and seeing what else they had. I am very happy with the store, but it’s just so far to go. I don’t know the actual miles, but it’s several miles beyond where Harry’s used to be, which is way away from anything else we go to.
I got a few capped beeswax candles, and am hoping to enjoy them. I’ve played with a little votive that I got a set of for my glass cat holders, but haven’t lit the bigger pillars yet. I didn’t get any very large in size, just the smaller sort. I’ll get some more in the future probably, to fill in and have candles in different parts of the house.
I also got some Cod Liver Oil for the children. I read an article on an email list recently about vit. D and colds, flu, and it convinced me to start supplementing my own vitamins with extra vit D around times when we have “colds”, and then in winter too, or when extra stressed or inside a lot, cloudy days on end, etc. The Cod Live Oil is made by Carlson and is flavored for children with Lemon. The children had their first dose this morning and said they loved it. 🙂 I am taking a pill form of vit. D along with my LifePack.
Vit. D is made in our bodies from the sun’s uv b rays on our skin. Lighter skin makes more Vit. D with less exposure, the darker the skin, the more exposure you need to make vit. D … our family has very fair skin, and freckles are easy to attain, without burning even. I tend to keep everyone out of the sun entirely from 9am to 4pm during Spring/Summer and let them out more in Autumn and Winter. I am going to attempt a decent normal exposure for vit. D purposes from now on, trying to find info or figure it out myself for timings during the year for enough exposure without freckling or burning.
Until then we’ll supplement for sure, and then we’ll spot supplement during times when it’s condusive to do so. (Winter at least, if we are going to be around other people, keep our systems beefed up to fight off the germs.) I have antedotal info from my teen years. More than once I had a summer cold in Florida and it got bad and so I put on my bathing suit and got out the lounge chair and baked in the sun. I’d do that for an hour or more and I’d often burn myself, but feel better for it, and my cold definitley decreased soon thereafter much faster than it had been, I mean, not full in, yet it quit when I did that. So I knew about that sort of thing naturally, instinctive of myself, never read about it or told to do it. I stopped that sort of thing though because of over exposure and stopped laying out usually, and eventually totally stopped exposing myself to “tan” which I could sort of, but it was a sensitive process and I finally was fine with my pale skin, but have freckly arms more than I’d like now because of all that exposure in my younger years. I have no desire to put that sort of idea of worshipping the sun into my children, want to save their skin, and still will. I’ll teach them how to get sun without getting too much. 🙂
Anyhow, I have some sort of cold thing that tried to start the other day, and having a new bottle of Vit. D and going out in the sun for 5 to 10 minutes a couple times a day have kept it at bay, it’s not getting worse, not going away entirely, but not over bad and I expect it’ll be better sooner than a usual cold would. So that’s all!