We got one of my new light fixtures for the scrapbook area I am putting together in the “basement” installed and working last evening. There is another one that needs to be installed, and then the lights in my IKEA cabinet installed (need a new outlet for them.)
Having real overhead light coming down over my table is amazing. It’s a cheap (as fixtures go) [a Home Depot brand] island fixture, 4 halogens and opaque glass shades, creamy yellowish color glass. The fixture is dark brown. Simple yet lovely design. The other fixture is a different one, but same styling.
One of these days the room will be more finished and I’ll get some pictures to put on my Scrapbooking Page on this site.
I got some things cleaned up in the area today, finally with glorious light shining down. I’ll get some crafty stuff done now, any old time I wish too and can get down there. Hurray!
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