I moved our network around a bit last week, and finally today have it all hooked up (what exists for it today, that is.)
I want to make new cables for the things in my bedroom, then it’ll all be nicer (less cable-y!) as the ethernet cables I have on hand are too long for what I need. I did make one short cable a week or so ago, but it doesn’t work. The longer ones I’ve made to pull through the house from my computer/craft room where I have the router set up to the other points for internet in the house work great. I thought maybe the ends were messed up, so I cut them off and redid it all, so I just ended up wasting more and more ends … It must be the piece of cable.
Here’s the setup:
Computer Room = Net Gear DSL Modem/Router with ethernet cables to two (2) points thus far:
- Net Gear 5-switch – Bedroom — Ethernet in from Router, three (3) devices plugged into switch.
- – PS3
- – DirecTV Plus HD DVR (Whole-Home turned on)
- – Old Desktop Computer
- Belkin Wi-Fi Router – DHCP, etc. turned off — Ethernet in from Router, two (2) devices plugged in, plus Wi-Fi distribution.
- – PS3
- – DirecTv Plus HD DVR (Whole-Home turned on)
< —– Wi-Fi through house —–>
(protected network)
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