It’s that time again, Fall Allergies are totally whopping me. It was a couple of weeks or three ago that I and my eldest noticed effects ramping up, so we started taking the one-a-day Aller-tec (from Costco) which we had used previously in the Spring (2011.)
Not long after the first ingested pill it is easier to deal with it all. Just kind of feel “normal” as however that is for an individual person. The last few days though have been kind of rough, more than rough, then throw in that my eldest forgot to take his Aller-tec one day and then yesterday I forgot and it was like this for me: I was fine all day until sometime in the afternoon I got a drippy nose and my eyes burned and were so watery and I wanted to curl up and …
I had to take my contacts out. It was so bad. I took the Aller-tec late afternoon when I knew I just couldn’t get through the rest of the day and night before getting another (at the right time.) Seemed like a good plan. Now I’m wishing for the time today to take another. It’s 5am-ish, so it’s been like 12-hours since the last.
I wasn’t bothered by it last night, once I got to sleep I stayed asleep, but I got awoken before 5am with husband activity to leave on a trip, and couldn’t go back to sleep and was brushing the watery eye stuff away, and realized I just couldn’t stay in bed, it was too sticky icky.
Weird thing about Fall Allergies, I wasn’t a Fall Allergy person, per se. Allergies of some kind bother me most of the time, but the HEADY version in Spring … it’s a doozy. I noted other people with FALL allergies just plain inundated with goop, drip sneeze. It was a quizzical thing, why them, not me? Who knows. But then it was my turn a few years ago, after all. So why is it also bothering my eldest? I’ve had a lifetime of environment differences and changes in what/when … he’s just been a baby in one of those places and moved to where we are now at 7 months. He’s sensitive, like me, but he’s just 15. So why do we both have FALL allergies the last few years, when I never had them before (and neither did he)? Seems a fair enough question.
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