Month: November 2011

  • Why do things always go wrong when …

    Today is the second day of the 2nd biggest holiday of the year Week. It’s even bigger in our house because my Daughter was born the evening before Thanksgiving, so her birthday flirts with Thanksgiving most years, some more than others, and some falling on the same day as. Last year was on the day,…

  • Murky PSN Licensing Reality

    After thinking about the PSN fiasco started November 4, 2011 on the Playstation Blog(s) for awhile now, I am just as peeved seeing a definite problem with it, moreso in regard to how it’ll work with portable units. PSP and future devices. As it is, there is no trophy support on the PSP, so ……

  • (un)Holy Cow! PSN takes the cake

    Sony is depressing me terribly today. I’m glad I didn’t go to their playstation blog yesterday, when I really couldn’t have dealt with it at all. I’d have thrown all my PS* stuff out by now if so. And seriously be considering the best way to … I don’t know, live without PlayStation, get rid…

  • A-U-G-H

    I am so frustrated with stuff. Everything seems so “bad” yet … it shouldn’t. It’s not anything but misery with getting things done, allergies, more misery that finally goes away only to find negative numbers in bank account, trying to get things straightened out not working, makes me feel like life is dull grey, though…