Month: May 2020

  • The Moon in May

    The Moon in May
  • Year of the Maple

    Year of the Maple

    It was so dark this morning, then light came back. In and out, too shiny, just bright enough, darker, lighter, sun and shade alternating. Threat of rain all week. Today it started out wet, and we’ll have more of it. Temperatures were higher last week and lower this week. Humidity is up, but not all…

  • Snickerdoodle


    Snickerdoodle is a cookie. Snickerdoodle is a cat.

  • Polls about Music not my thing

    All these polls … Who are your top 5 bands you listened to in high school; What are your favorite songs released in such and such year; What are your top songs from one artist; How do you rank the songs on this or that album. I just can’t answer those polls, fill in polls,…