Gray – Grey
Oct 2021 Internet change
We are still waiting for our Arris S33 modem to be released from Comcast Business so we can get rid of the rental XFI Gateway left with us yesterday …. By next 24-hours it should be done. I have that unit in bridge mode, just to happily be where my usual network type things are.
Orb Weaver
This orb weaver has been on our porch for a long while now, but this morning was hanging like this from the very front of the porch (last web made was still up and back near the door.) Later I checked, and she was sitting on the step below. Then this very photo was taken…
Windows 11
What’s the worst thing about Windows 11. Yes, File Explorer, lack of thumbnail options. No options, in other words.
Our Family
ego type socionics type role oldham type ESFp – SEE Sensory-Ethical Extravert The Politician Mercurial INTp – ILI Intuitive-Logical Introvert The Critic Solitary INTp – ILI Intuitive-Logical Introvert The Critic Solitary INFp – IEI Intuitive-Ethical Introvert The Lyricist Dramatic ESTp – SLE Sensory-Logical Extravert The Legionnaire Self-Confident ENTp – ILE Intuitive-Logical Extravert The Searcher Inventive…