SEE-fi imploding and exploding
SEE is a happy party animal, usually. Sometimes there is a reactor meltdown, often culminating with holidays and weekends. Add more fuel to the fire if it’s somebody else’s personal holiday, he is so selfish and horrible to live with. He (SEE-fi) will get worse as the years go on. (She SEE-fi version would too,…
Control the Outcome?
What can you control? Only yourself. You can’t control others, you can’t control how their lives will go. You have your life to live. Just live your life. Understanding comes from within and without. That is how we have relationships and can stand to be around others. I can’t stand the idea of control. It’s…
PS5 is better
My family got me a PS5 as an early Mother’s Day present this last week. Warframe is the key game that I just had so much trouble playing lately on PS4, and I knew PS5 would be better. It is so fast to load and exit, actual game startup, mission loading, etc. Zippity Fast. The…