Category: Entertainment

  • Google Play Music – Fix Incorrect Match

    Google Play Music is playing games with me. I have my own music uploaded, plus subscribe to Family Unlimited. The Head on the Door – The Cure –the offending album on Google Play Music.I have had to delete and re-upload my The Cure albums before, but not for awhile. I don’t know when I last…

  • Happy New Year 2017 Style!

    It’s a new year and that means: just another digit added to the year. My PSN goal for the end of the year was to get to LEVEL 16, which I did by the hair of my chinny chin chin. This year I hope to increase to LEVEL 17 by the end. I have enough…

  • Forge TV 6.0.1 Update

    Netflix? Still no Netflix. Not in the store, and can’t cast it successfully. Same old, same old. Android TV 6.0.1 for Forge TV didn’t change that. Vudu isn’t in the store either, still. It can be successfully cast, and was able to before sometimes, then not at all, and then again it was able to…

  • Aladdin Disney vs Anime Aladdin

    Aladdin Disney vs Anime Aladdin

    I didn’t like Disney’s Aladdin much, but have the Blu-ray and Disney Movies Anywhere Digital HD anyhow. It seemed OK, just a bit too lightly done overall to me. Since watching the anime of Magi (three different [one season  each] shows on Netflix, which I very much liked,) I watched Disney’s Aladdin again last night, and…

  • Can hardly wait hardly for this PS4 game even though I’ve never seen the TV show

    Can hardly wait hardly for this PS4 game even though I’ve never seen the TV show

      I was going to watch the show [Psycho-Pass] on Netflix, but then they took it off before I got to it! Figures. At any rate once I heard the game was coming to PS4 and PS Vita I tossed the idea around a long while and later decided to go with the PS4 one.…