HP TouchSmart PC 520
We got a new computer for the family over GA’s tax free weekend (actually Sat.) It’s for the family, mainly for education … which is every thing and anything on a computer. For me it’s nice since I LOVE touchscreen devices. It’s a screen as big as my monitor in my office … 23″ widescreen. It’s…
New Copper Coil Heatsink
I was able to get a new heatsink for my desktop computer this past weekend. It’s a beautiful copper coil sort, totally better than the old one that serviced my Athlon 64 processor for so long. The processor is running @ 38 d. Celsius thus far, great for putting it in with the new heatsink…
InstantCake + DirecTivo R10
We have two R10 units (DirecTivo) and have used them fairly hard. We got them right before DirecTV had stopped selling them in stores and put out their own dvr. We have one in the bedroom and I had Baby Q in bed with us and turned on a Blue’s Clues that was recorded. It…