Thinking About PS4 Situations
Alone There’s a big thing I often think about: In the upcoming months the PS4 in our house will be alone. It’s going to be a nice machine, have awesome ability to have us game wonderfully into the next generation of games. Alone is a big thing. Some games are single games, but so many…
(un)Holy Cow! PSN takes the cake
Sony is depressing me terribly today. I’m glad I didn’t go to their playstation blog yesterday, when I really couldn’t have dealt with it at all. I’d have thrown all my PS* stuff out by now if so. And seriously be considering the best way to … I don’t know, live without PlayStation, get rid…
Digital Zones not doing as I wish
Our house has A/C now, not quite getting how it works (the upstairs is getting too warm every day, no matter what.) One thing was it was getting warmer and warmer and the A/C wasn’t coming on at all upstairs. So I ended up turning every thermostat to “off” and waited a minute, then only…